Our Wild And Wonderful Back Garden

We have lived in our house for the last 5 years, and it was built in the 1950's, so the gardens in the area are for the most part fairly mature, and there are still a few patches of woodland around.

As a result, we do from time to time see wildlife in our garden, notably foxes and occasionally hedgehogs, but the big holes that were dug in the flower bed at the side of the house this summer, added to the fact that holes had been made in several fence panels, made us wonder if we had a badger visiting.

With my birthday coming up, and both of us being very curious, we decided together that a good gift would be a wildlife camera, so that we could leave it outside with a timer set, and find out for sure what was coming into our garden.

Well, the results have been very enlightening, with some of our questions answered on the very first night, and I decided to create a Wildlife Category on the blog that Debbie and I had created 6 years ago and which I have allowed to fall by the wayside.

We have had our wildlife camera almost a month now, and I have to admit that checking it every morning has become something that we both look forward to.

In fact when we go on holiday soon to Devon in the West Country, we are going to take the camera with us, as we will be staying in a place that is right out in the country and surrounded by fields.

Some examples of the moments that our wildlife camera have captured can be seen below. We welcome you to subscribe to our videos, and then as we add more you will be notified automatically.
